Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weekly Report: Spring Fever continues.

We returned from the Leadership Institute Training late Sunday evening and I came home with a raging head cold. KB and Feche-boy were exhausted from the week-end too, no wonder after putting in such long days over the week-end (see my post about the Leadership Institute below) and Monday was more or less a mental health day.

The older kids focused this week on Saxon with Dad, Latina Christiana, Traditional Logic II and Omnibus II.

The notsolittles did math pages; Cub working on the times tables. He has skip counting down pat but is relying too much on that for multiplication so we are doing X's flash cards. Flower is getting lots of math worksheet downloads from the Internet and loving them. Cub is finishing a bio of Stonewall Jackson and both kids spent hours listening to The Story of the World's Modern Ages. Time to purchase more Math, and I think we're going to stick with Horizons. Cub is loving Memoria Press' Copybook III along with English for the Thoughtful Child, as well as Shurley worksheets. Shurley Grammar is on my list of things to buy, though my hope for finding it gently used is diminishing.

AlphaPhonics is near the end and HARD so we are going much more slowly and then reading a previous lesson. Explode the Code is on hold- syllabication is just not sticking. Flower's reading skills are improving and she is trying to read more and more irl, she is just stuck between all of the vowel rule exceptions and short vowel sounds.

Memory Work, of course. We are going back through the Veritas Press cards and memorizing dates. Because we are doing the Modern Age this year we are going back to the yellow cards first. CC history sentences, The presidents, the Grammar Catechism, Latin sayings: Verus amicus rara avis.

The weather was beautiful for a couple of days despite the threat of a blizzard and KB took some awesome pictures of the kids (see previous posts). The head cold was not conducive to my ability to focus and I spent lots of time playing Mancala with the notsolittles and slinging back Vitamin C. I think of our dear friends the Ponton's in TX, every time we play. Their kiddos taught us the game years ago in NM; sweet memories.

Miss R called from college with some disheartening personal news and we spent lots of phone time with her. Does listening to adult children still count on my homeschool calendar? Check out her latest ramblings at:

How was your week? Are you fighting spring fever where you are at?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you accomplished alot despite the head colds. Hope next week is a better one for you guys.


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