Monday, April 20, 2009

Week-end Review

It was a busy, fulfilling and exhausting week-end. KB and I have been participating in a Bible Study called Cleansing Streams This past week-end was the 2 day retreat that is an integral part of the program. It consists of intense prayer and releasing God's people from the impediments of life that keep them far from Him. If you haven't attending a Cleansing Streams program I highly recommend it! It is hard to put into words all that occured and probably best left for you to go and participate in. Nothing scary, freaky or holy-rollery. Just honest to goodness prayer, love and the fellowship of God's people in a profound and significant way.

As if that didn't make the week-end good enough Bob Kilpatrick was at our church preaching Sunday morning. It wasn't your typical preach-thang; he's from California, after all. It was entertainment, worship, exhortation, preaching and ministry. We laughed, we cried, we went to church. Bob rocks. Go listen to some of his songs- you'll probably know them anyway- and you'll agree.

Last night we watched Saving Sarah Cain, a Micheal Landon Jr. film, based on a book by Jeanette Oake. This is a lovely little film about the hurts of the past, trying to find our own way, loyalty and getting whole- kinda like the Cleansing Streams Retreat. We were all choked up at the end of the film during a particularly poignant scene as Sarah is remembering good times, being exhorted by her sister to embrace coming challenges and to finding redemption through forgiveness.

So, there you go. A theme week-end. Lots of laughs, tears, fellowship, thoughts to ponder. A God who is bigger than it all, including us. I love how Bob exclaimed and explained that God doesn't just want us to be part of His deal, God wants us dead. That out of our complete surrender He can create what He intends for us and our lives. Powerful love. Powerful impact. Woohoo. Bring it on.

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