Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WW: This N' That

Feche-boy has been our #1 fire keeper during the day. He brings the wood in, feeds the furnace diligently and keeps us all warm. Of course, I don't think that he minds the frequent visits outside to get wood. He truly is part Feche (get the books, they are awesome, The Wilderking series.) Cub pitched in this week to help clean out both refrigerators. Please disregard the mess around him and focus on the boy. Isn't he a cutie = )?
Miss. Flower lost her 2nd tooth this week. This time, all on her own (the 1rst tooth had a little help from a bro).
Honestly, I am going to duct tape KB to a chair to get a picture of her soon. She has been so busy taking them that I haven't gotten any of her lately.


  1. Cool...WW from the future! :) The time/date stamp made me laugh! What cute kiddos! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Gorgeous kids. It is wonderful to have a helper to keep the home fires burning!

  3. They are very precious and adorable. What great helpers you have too!! I always think that the "lost tooth" pictures are some of the absolute cutest. :)

  4. Love that boy! Can I borrow him?
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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