Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Days Are Just Packed.

Seems like this year I am doing less than I've done in a long time and the days are just full up. Like today for example:
Homeschool consisted of phonics with Flower, Geography notebooks with the boys, memory work with all the kids (history, Bible in Latin & English, english grammar, science, geography, VP cards, and books of the bible, IEW Poetry). Read-aloud. KB started the IEW progymnasta and got caught up on Poetry. Feche-boy did Omnibus, writing and poetry. All the kids watched their own Latin lesson and I quizzed them on vocab and sayings. We didn't even get to math or logic.
Throughout the day we did laundry - about 6 loads.
Picked produce from the garden: dried tomatoes and herbs, froze green peppers, processed more apples, made apple sauce and left more to soak in lemon juice.
Then cooking: yogurt and granola are made each Sunday and that's the usual fare. KB made smoothies this morning. Feche-boy made baked potates for lunch, for dinner a rustic squash pie and apple crisp.
Flower wasn't feeling well and didn't do much school-she was lonely because everyone else was. And now everyone is finally in bed. Better get there myself. Tomorrow might be packed too!

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