Sunday, June 19, 2016

What I've Learned from the Fathers in My Life

10 Things I learned from my Dad

  1. Hard work.
  2. Curiosity.
  3. How to question.
  4. How to talk to strangers and have a good conversation with almost anyone.
  5. Reading opens up the world theoretically.
  6. Travel opens up the world practically.
  7. Don't give up.
  8. Marriage is a good thing and till death do you part.
  9. It's o.k, to cry.
  10. Teaching people what you know is a gift.
10 Things my husband teaches his people
  1. Passionate love for the things of God.
  2. Truth is not optional or changing.
  3. Live with integrity every minute of your life and live with no regrets.
  4. Passionate curiosity about the world.
  5. True love, care, sympathy, empathy and respect for people regardless of their circumstances. He sees and honors the Image of Gd in all people.
  6. Work hard, play with abandon, live with intention, love with your whole heart.
  7. Intellectual pursuit and exploration.
  8. Prayer changes us and our circumstances
  9. God calls us to be faithful, we don't get to choose the outcomes- we must trust God for those.
  10. Reliability. If he promises or agrees to something, it will happen. His word is iron-clad.
10 Things I've learned from my Heavenly Father
  1. All things work together for good to those who love Him.
  2. We are His people if we choose to be.
  3. He is a good, a very good, shepherd.
  4. His table is always full.
  5. We are all invited.
  6. Prayer changes us and our circumstances
  7. Vows and sacrament are real things.
  8. By Him all things were created and by Him we live and breath and have our being.
  9. Life is a gift.
  10. He is the Master Teacher.

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