Saturday, December 13, 2014

We laughed. We cried. It Was One of Those Weeks!

This week heralded the semester's end of both o our co-ops, both Classical Conversations and our small in-home co-op. Classical Conversations was a blast and went fast. We put Our Bodies together, went over week 12, played human Tic-Tac-Toe and then focused on Math games for review. I was gifted with wonderful presents by my sweet kiddos and their amazing parents. We are loving CC (come back tomorrow for 5 Ways CC's Foundations Rocks!)

Our co-op at home- all of the kids wrote a poem- trochaic or iambic or something with a rhyme scheme- stop by for more, because I'll be posting them! Everyone brought sumptuous snacks along with homemade presents for a gift exchange. The kids (ages 4-15) all drew a name and then had to create an item for their secret pal. It was...sweet, endearing, touching, precious. The kids were creative, generous and grateful. Then lunch, more food, playing, talking, laughing. I love this group. We all love this group and just stand amazed at how much the kids enjoy being together and how much we love being together. The kids are learning, but its almost a side benefit. And everyone loves my house. I love people who love my house. Yes, I am that shallow.

That is the sound of my finishing a massive project at work. What a week. The age of computer everything- oy vey. My grits are cooked but after a 15 hour day today to knock that baby out, I can focus on my actual job again.  (And yes, there are still some pesky little details to wrap up, but the bulk of it is ovah!)

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Two words: Tim Hawkins. We laughed. We cried. O.k., we laughed until we cried. He is funny and weird. Our kind of people. Today we streamed Tim's YouTubes all day long as we sat across the living room from each other, working on computers. Laptops are wonderful things. So are Christian comedians.
The kids have been speed reading Wings of Fire. Speed reading, outloud, to each other. 3 books in a matter of days. Thank goodness for downloadable kindle books. A $5.38 download brought my kids so much joy you would have thought they won the lottery.


Map blobbing has been one of this falls hidden gems. Flower drew the U.S. map, above, complete with every state from memory today - as in NO Looking at or referencing  a map. Not bad for an 11 year old! Love that! Hats off to Classical Conversations. Kabam!

Have I mentioned I'm back on the Crew? As in the Schoolhouse Review Crew! Woop! Love my fellow Crewbies!! Stay tuned for more great reviews and awesome products coming soon!

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1 comment:

  1. My kids LOVE Wings of Fire books. Spin-off series book coming out at the end of the month. One of mine will be getting it for her birthday ... and the whole family wishes it was instead a late Christmas present because they'll have to wait a few weeks to dig into it.


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