Friday, December 5, 2014

Post Thanksgiving Reality

This is what science often looks like at our house. Dr. Dh sharing his latest science find- usually entailing some kind of archaeological or astronomical discovery, which he then shares with whatever  kid he can snag. The Orion landing was science du jour.

History consisted of some really fun videos, courtesy of @Mr. Betts Class. Some of these coordinate very nicely with Classical Conversations History sentences. Others don't. All are creative, entertaining and catchy.

Cub does not like shopping. I repeat, Cub does not like shopping. This is what shopping reduces him to; My very own Elf off the shelf. Isn't he adorable?!

On Tuesday, I Tutored both Foundations and Essentials. I was very grateful that it was a review weeks for Essentials. We continue to learn a ton every week. I'm amazed at how much we are learning through the simple act of copying charts and repetition. Simple, but very effective.

We had a blast decorating the house last week-end, both inside and out. Sneak peek above...stay tuned for a holiday house tour!

We got a killer deal on the entire Planet of the Apes series. It is so bad. Almost compelling in how awful it is. We started and stopped a couple; and sort of finished it. And struggled to understand why they kept changing the story line, and endings. It's over now. Dr. Dh declared it "the worst movie(s) ever." I told him that's only because he hasn't seen Noah. He has threatened to rent it this week-end because he is curious, and I think, he really doesn't believe me when I tell him  is awful. At least Planet of the Apes had the costumes and Roddy McDowell going for it, right?

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, met KB's fiance in person for the first time, took walks and family photos, went to see the Lights Festival at the Falls, ate lots of pie, played Settlers and enjoyed   spending the holiday with Dr. Dh's brother and family, who are just plain totally fun to be around.
The men-folk at the Falls. Do they look related, or what?!
One more for cute-ness sake.

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