Friday, April 25, 2014

The Brinkman Adventures- TOS Review

are unique, radio-dramas of real life missionary stories. We had the privilege of listening to

Do you love radio-theater, good drama, quality entertainment? You will find all of that and more in this unique series, based on the real lives of Christian missionaries.

Flower (age 11) and Cub (age 14) have spent a lot of time listening to CD's and Mp3's this year and have favorite story tellers and narrators. They weren't sure what to expect from this collection, and Cub especially, started listening a bit warily. Wariness gave way to total and complete enthusiasm. Both kids enjoyed this, looked forward to the afternoons when they could get back to it and couldn't wait to fill me in on what happened next!

The Brinkman family is real and portrays themselves in the Brinkman Adventures. The adventures are based on real events. The locations are real. The authenticity comes across loud and clear and won major points with my discriminating listeners! 
The Brinkman family is decidedly Christian without being legalistic and preachy. The stories focus on God's grace and personal involvement in people's lives. My kids were amazed at some of the stories, compelled and encouraged. Furthermore, this is not a series that glosses over some of the more difficult aspects of living a life of Faith, but portrays hardships as something real to overcome and walk closely with God through. My kids appreciate that. It validates their own trials and hardships, without minimizing the pain or their trust in the Almighty.

One of Flowers favorite scenes is when Hope finds a possum in the fruit bowl in Belize. We have encountered possums on our property- as recently as just a few months ago. They are not attractive creatures. They are more ugly rodent than anything else. Flower has been mesmerized by this story, which ties the familiar and the unfamiliar so closely together that it is, at once, believable and inconceivable. 

The stories were engaging, to the point that the kids excited about what would happen next, would pause the story to find me and tell me what happened and have been quoting parts of the stories since! This is awesome faith building material. Not because of the profound apologetics, or the solemn faith-filled testimonies or because this family is more devout than others. It's fantastic material because it's a real family- just like yours or mine, that is living their life, as odd or unique as it may be, and God is totally in the midst of it, shaking it up, encouraging, challenging and providing fun and adventure along the way. Great stuff, that! The The Brinkman Adventures are extremely well-told stories that are engaging, fun, faith building and adventuresome. My kids can't wait until we get 

Season 1 

Season 2 has 4 CDs which include 12 episodes (5+ hours!) $25. This is actually a suggested donation because they are committed to getting these mission adventures into people's hands! $17 for the MP3 album. Your donation above and beyond the suggested prices, allows them to put these recordings in the hands of people who can't afford them.

Faith building listening for the entire family.

Find Brinkman Adventures on Facebook HERE
This would be an excellent addition to your Christian or Bible studies, for a youth group or Christian club.

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