Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal- Review

Homeschool Adventure author Stacey Farrell has done it again with the

We love C.S. Lewis and we are all about apologetics so I jumped at the chance to be part of the review team for Stacey Farrell's newest creation, Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal. Stacey leads and guides the reader to discover the underlying themes and values put forth by Lewis.
These concepts are not for the faint of heart, but if you desire to understand the beautiful complexity of your Christian faith, I can think of no better than guide than C.S. Lewis. Stacey takes a complex topic, apologetics via critical analysis; taught by a brilliant theologian, C.S. Lewis, via a fascinating book, Mere Christianity, and makes it completely accessible for kids as young as Jr. High. As a homeschool Momma, you don't have to know the material yourself before making use of this guide. I would recommend, however, that you read it with your student so that you don't miss out on the wild and wonderful discussion that is bound to follow the readings and journaling. And be forewarned, if you do the journal along with your student (which I highly recommend) you might find yourself surprised at where this journey takes you!
You'll need a copy of the book, Mere Christianity, and you'll need to read it thoroughly to make the best use of this study.  As you read, you'll journal. This can be done by section, chapter, or in whatever bite-sized pieces you want to tackle at a time. The journal is chock full of questions that will take the student on a journey of in-depth discovery. The journal is full of guiding questions and inquiry, some which demand specific answers, some which will insist that the student ponder and reflect and some which require the student to determine and state a personal point of view and belief.
The book is divided by sections and chapter and the journal follows.
Section 1: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe - 5 Chapters
Section 2: What Christians Believe - 5 Chapters
Section 3: Christian Behavior -12 Chapters
Section 4: Beyond Personality -11 Chapters.

As you can see, there is a lot of chapters, and I wouldn't recommend rushing this study. Personally, I would take a Section a semester and really allow time to ponder and reflect, rather than rush through this. Mere Christianity is taught at some seminaries, so giving your student time to delve deeply into the text and concepts, wrestling with application, is not pandering, but rather encouraging the student to take ownership of complexities and broader ways of thinking.

My 14 year old and I will continue this excellent study as part of our on-going apologetics/ critical thinking curriculum. I'm reading it along with him and we are having a blast discussing answers to the questions. Mere Christianity is required reading of all our high schoolers and this guide is the next best thing to Dr. Dh teaching it himself (which he has done before).  Thank-you, Stacey, for a great resource that makes a difficult book accessible and important concepts of the faith applicable.

For students in Jr. and Sr. High through adults, this would be a great study to do with a co-op, Bible study or Mom's group. Very highly recommended. 
Author Bio
Stacy Farrell’s worldview changed when she embarked on her homeschooling adventure in 2002.
Her background as a consultant and writer well-prepared her to teach communication skills; however, only hands-on experience (and much time spent on her knees) equipped her to mentor her sons through the character-transformation required to help them work toward their full potential.

Stacy has spoken at a variety of homeschool conferences and has published articles in leading Christian magazines. She wrote scripts for Willow Creek’s youth ministry, copy for Pastor Bill Hybel’s “Defining Moments” Audio Newsletter, and a broad range of material for corporate and non-profit clients. She also managed a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and constitutional law. Today, she loves to help empower students to recover territory lost by “fuzzy thinking” and low expectations. To that end, she created:

Philosophy Adventure™—Pre-Socratics – designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas

Philippians in 28 Weeks™ — a simple and painless way to memorize an entire book of Scripture

The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions – an enchanting fable that unmasks the ugliness of pride and selfishness

Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal -- a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview.

Although Stacy loves to write, speak, and teach, she considers her role as wife to Roger and mother to two precious sons to be her greatest work and privilege. You can learn more about her resources at Homeschool Adventure.

Golden Grasses readers can use promo code 10OFFMC  for a 10% discount on the purchase of either the print or digital version of the Journal. This code will expire on January 31, 2014.

Disclaimer: As a member of the Home School Adventure Co.Launch Team, I have received HSA prodcuts in exchange for a n honest reveiw and promotion. No other compensation was received. I am disclosing this infomration in compliance with FTC Regulations.
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1 comment:

  1. I love your extra information about the author. It is so nice to know the heart of the person creating the resources you love!


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