Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Count-down

 OT/Ancient Egypt HS Kit w/CD
School this week went by the list:  IXL, Veritas Press Bible time-line cards, World Mag, Drawing, Spelling City; Saxon, Perplexors, Learn Math Fast. First Language Lessons.
The kids latest book to be passionate about has been D'Aulaire's Norse Myths. It's rather morbidly compelling. Flower continues to compare it to the Greek Myths and has decided that the Greeks are more obvious s*xpots, but the Norse have dark side that is entirely creepy. Good old classical ed. Gotta love it.
We are thrilled to be undertaking a new opportunity -Organo Gold - because we just weren't busy enough. But I love and believe in this stuff enough that busy doesn't count so much. Seriously, I've been drinking the Green Tea since May and I am off all medications and the insomniacs are sleeping better (that, my friends is worth almost any price!). You know the adage; one good med leads to another, and that was certainly the case for me. Plus, the med never really seemed to solve anything. So, good-bye little white pills that require blood drawn way to often and hello good stuff! The key ingredient (surprise!) has been linked to managing autism, cancer, ADHD, insomnia, high blood pressure, etc. It's not a miracle cure, but a key player in healthy living. Bring it on - and let me know if you'd like to hear more.

Charlie Brown Christmas
Busy week-end with a viewing of The Hobbit, a Jr. High Teen Night, Ballroom Dancing, an early morning breakfast, and a few gift exchanges. Flower is the left behind kiddo these days but we've had some fun times going to girly places and Christmas shopping. She is busy wrapping, whispering and planning and she has a great gift idea for Cub that she wouldn't mind sharing, btw ; )

Blog love this week: 2 amazing give-aways- have you signed up yet, cause there is still time!
Timberdoodle $250 Gift-Certificate
Mere Christianity Mega Give-Away!    $800 in prizes!
Take $5 off every Learn Math Fast order by using the code "golden."

Don't forget to check out my regular every Monday series: Nitty Gritty. Recent posts:
Life Warning: It's more than you can handle
Christmas Card Craft
Nitty Gritty Words
Sadly, our kitty who got caught in the mayo jar died last night. Flower was beside herself. Somehow, little kitty and sub-zero temps just aren't a winning combo, no matter how much tlc is administered. Please, do not send a live sympathy cat -or kitten- to console her (you know who you are ; ). Not till spring, anyway.
santas favorite christmas forest wreath
Blogger buddy Jenn at RAQ always has cool give-aways going on and I won a beautiful Christmas wreath! It came in the mail today and it is every bit as beautiful and fragrant and lovely as pictured.
Miss this humor...
My fall back name is George. What's yours?

@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!


  1. Love Bill Cosby. Sorry to hear about your kitty. Hugs! Will be on the look out for the Organo Green tea to give it a try.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. the tea sounds really good, and wow! -that is quite the giveaway!
    So sorry about your kitty {hugs}


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