Monday, November 11, 2013

Nitty Gritty: The Thanksgiving Tree

To kick off my regular new, every Monday Nitty-Gritty series, Mary Kate has put together a beautiful project- the Thanksgiving Tree. I really love this. Even when we are deep into the nitty-gritty of living, there's still something to be thankful about. Mary Kate ramps it up with a lovely holiday decoration.

A Thanksgiving Tree is a great holiday craft that will allow our older kids to express their gratitude in an artistic way, and also bring about a wonderful feeling of togetherness and thankfulness on Thanksgiving day!
Handmade ornaments- fabric coated foam balls, paper pilgrims and Turkey, clay leaves, etc.
A small inexpensive tree that can support ornaments
Holiday lights for the tree (optional)
Permanent markers
A small basket
1.      In the days before Thanksgiving, create handmade ornaments to place on the tree.  These can be basic ornaments that you bejewel and sequin, foam balls coated in fabric, or paper pilgrims, turkeys and Indians, clay leaves, cornucopias, etc. Pinterest has some fantastic homemade seasonal ornament ideas! 
2.      Make enough ornaments for every guest that you will be having over around Thanksgiving (plus some extras for unexpected guests!)  Each ornament should be big enough to write “I am very blessed.  I thank God for _________.” 
3.      Fill in each ornament with the sentences above, leaving the last part of the sentence blank for your guests to fill in.
4.      Set up the tree in the entry way, and place the ornaments in a basket next to it.  Include several permanent markers as well. 
5.      Finish off the tree with lights, or even a homemade garland/banner that says “Give Thanks” if you want to!
6.      As people arrive, ask each guest to take an ornament from the box, complete the sentence and hang the ornament on the tree.
7.      Encourage guests to take some extra time to look at the other ornaments on the tree as well. 
8.      Additionally, you could take photos of your guests next to the tree, or as they place their ornament on the tree.  You could even have group photo around the tree and share it with your guests later! 

What wonderful memories this activity will create – for you, your kids and your guests! If you create a Thanksgiving Tree, please let me know! I'd love to see pictures ;)
Mary Kate Warner is a regular blogger at Christianity Cove - You can often find her writing about Christian Motherhood, Homeschool Teaching, Bible Study and Sunday School Activities, Faith and inspiring children to love God.

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  1. I have to say, neat idea. But i really can't see putting up a tree twice. :) one for thanksgiving and one for Christmas. :)

  2. What a fun idea! I think using a smaller size tree would be very doable! Can't wait to see yours! ;)

  3. Hi Annette! This is actually just a small table top tree that my kids use for their own room, play, etc... that we set on a table in the entryway. :)

  4. This is a great idea! We may have to give it a try.

  5. Nice idea. We have done variations of this over the years. Praying your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.


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