Monday, October 14, 2013

Duct Tape- It's Not Just for Men, Anymore!

Isn't this chair transformation amazing?
Friend G invited Flower over after introducing her to fun and funky duct-tape at her birthday party. Her cool Mom had discovered this serviceable, but slightly dated and unattractive chair (see top left picture with ugly fake green leather peeking through) and entrusted it to her capable and artistic daughter. 4 rolls of duct tape, 2 afternoons, and 5 happy girls later, they have a very purple, perfectly awesome chair!
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  1. I'm impressed! I don't think I'd have the patience to do that. :)

  2. Love it! We have made a lot of things out of the new cool duct tape...I will have to remember this when I come across a garage sale find!

  3. This is a fabulous idea. This would be a great idea for a girl party. We have friends who are very into duct tape, which is not just for ducts anymore. I love the purple.


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