Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fauivsm and 5th graders

One of Flowers latest artistic creations.
I've mentioned before that we are truly blessed to have amazing art instruction. A couple of weeks ago the kids studied Fauvism. Here is just another example of what kids can do, under the guidance of amazing teachers like Jannell. Stop by her blog here! You will come away with a zillion terrific ideas. I just love the results! What do you think?


  1. Yes, she is amazing. Great little artist.

  2. I admit I prefer realism, BUT your child did demonstrate understanding of the style well, especially the eyes!

  3. Check out Jannell's blog for so many more- our kids are so blessed to have such great art teachers!

  4. Check out Jannell's blog for so many more- our kids are so blessed to have such great art teachers!


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