Friday, May 4, 2012

Wrap Up Week

It was a wrap up week. The high schoolers had their annual dinner/dance. Fun, fun, fun. Aren't they cute?

Tuesday was the last day of Tutoring Center. We are officially done with pre-chem, world history, Creative Writing and the 3rd grade writing class. It was a great year.

Thursday was the last day of Landry Academy's semester. We are officially done with Greek, Pre-Law and Copywriting. We had technical difficulties to the very end with Greek but other than that Cub loved the class. Copywriting was very simplistic. Pre-law was great.

Last day of co-op today.
After today we are down to Math, Latin, and WWS. Plus reading. It's good to be at the wind-down stage.

The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade
We finished Susan Wise Bauer's History of the Medieval World yesterday. It's a great time-line overview; detailed and thorough. In many ways it showcases the uniqueness of America- that a country could survive and thrive based on equality and justice (and yes, I know it's not a perfect system, but in the history of the world, it comes closer than most) rather than despotism.

Flower has finally really, truly taken off with reading. She's been enthralled with the American Girl books all year and is cruising through the Kit series this week.
Cub has been reading Shadow Hawk.
I read Green Mile by King. It didn't grab me at first, but a very unique book that touches on issues of race, religion, justice and mercy.


Starts on my porch are up: zucchini, tomatoes, basil, cabbage. Lettuce and spinach is up in the garden. I planted early, because of the unseasonably warm weather. We'll be spending some time in the garden this week-end.

Don't forget to check out the Carnival of Homeschooling, the Pioneer Edition.  And today is the last day to sign up for the Apologia Give-Away!


  1. I need to finish one subject to get me motivated. I am feeling like we will be finished.

  2. You wrapped up so many things this week--I am impressed! I too am looking forward to winding down for a while.


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