Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Friday Mom Gear Give-Away

I am thrilled to share with you Rebekah Scott Designs. Rebekah is the relative of my irl friend, Jannell (artteajannell) who is a talented seamstress. Rebekah takes it up a notch and created a business with her skills.
Above is the Barbie. One lucky person will be winning a Barbie of their choice!

Rebekah creates hand-bags, cutie patootie booties for babies and more. But the item I want to tell you about are her handbags. These handbags are a homeschool/working Mommas dream. They are sturdy, attractive and washable. Not only that but you can choose the design and the fabric that you want.

I'm not really a hang-bag kinda gal, but I do have one because it's a convenient place to store my "stuff"- you know, I.D., current book, cuticle cream, kids stuff, etc. However, finding a bag that is cute enough but not cutesy, affordable, sturdy, washable and comfortable is, like, a modern day miracle. I did finally find one but it cost a fortune and within a year the zipper broke. It was large and roomy but after a while that became a liability as it morphed into my own personal black hole. The thing that I really, really like about RSD bags is that they have pockets all around the inside of them!

Love that!

On top of it all, Rebekah is a really cool gal. She's a stay at home, working Mom, who puts in long days getting the job done and taking care of her family. A great product run by  a fabulous person. Win/win.
So, want to win the Barbie? Here's what you do. Go to Rebekah Scott Designs and sign up on  their mailing list. Come back here and leave a comment, letting me know which RSD product you like the best. Let people know about the contest through FB and Twitter and get another chance at winning (lmk you've done so!). That's it! We'll have the drawing on December 16, 2011. The winner will have 5 days to contact me with their contact info!
BONUS: To celebrate Thanksgiving you can take 10% OFF orders placed by December 6
(use Coupon Code: THANK10)
or purchase a purse to receive acoordinating Cosmetic for only $12!
(use Coupon Code: COSMETIC12)


  1. I don't know why but lately I am ALL about things with owls on them. I love the adorable appliqued owl baby dress. I could really use a new purse though. I've been using a diaper bag for 5 years and really- it's time for a change.

  2. I love the Gayland Black with Circles Bag--so many gorgeous pieces, it was hard to choose a favorite.

  3. I signed up for the mailing list.

    I love this scarf so pretty

  4. I twote the giveaway!/CowsDontMoo/status/145717057516871682


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