Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rocking with Paul

Last Saturday found us south at a Paul Wilbur concert church service. Not boring, sit, squirm and count the minutes till it's over church. I'm talking church. Church like there is a hope of heaven church. Church like He'll be returning on a white cloud and trumpets will roar church. Church like the Lion of Judah lives church. Yeah, Baby!

Paul Wilbur is a worship leader and he projects JOY in leading worship. He interacts with the other musicians and those in the aisle, prays fervently, speaks wisdom, shares life-changing testimony of the Living God. 

Paul doesn't do guitar rifts that leave those listening in the dust, doesn't outperform or out-sing the rest of those jamming, though it's clear that he could. (What is up with "worship leaders" having private little jam fests with "their" band up front, doing antiphonal vocal solos while those in the aisle are left hanging. Seriously.) He leads with a gentle fervor that conveys that God is bigger than all of us and it is with eager anticipation that we wait to see what He will do! Shout to the Lord!

Along with the beautiful music, we were inspired by the work of this music ministry team around the world. He shared stories of being in Cuba and praying with a close family member of Fidel Castro (oh, yeah!) an upcoming worship recording in Germany, and, best of all,  a upcoming performance for the IDF,  making free worship CD's available to any member of the IDF that wants one. 200  Messianic congregations in Israel right now! Boyah, Baby!

Shofars blew, feet danced, voices raised and the Word of the Lord was proclaimed.


  1. I love Paul Wilbur. Wish I could have experienced it with you!

  2. I thought of you all week-end, Steph. I WISH you could have been there with us. You would have lOVED it. And thanks for loaning us your Jeruselum Alive DVD all those years ago. Love you!


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