Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rocking Mommas

Queen Victoria
 Longest reigning British monarch and the longest reigning female in history, beloved wife of Albert and mother of 9. She is called "The Grandmother of Europe." The Young Victoria and Victoria & Albert are both delightful flicks about an intriguing monarch.

Lillian Gilbreth
The original Cheaper by the Dozen Mom. Along with her husband Frank,  she co-founded the Cognitive Psych program at Purdue University, author, efficiency expert and mother of 12, all of whom went to Ivy Leagues. She combined engineering, psychology and motherhood and was the first American engineer to synthesize scientific management and psychology. You'll laugh out loud reading Cheaper by the Dozen and Bells on Their Toes.
Ruth Bell Graham
Missionary, author, wife, a vital component of Billy Graham;s evangelistic ministry, mother of 5. Her head stone reads, in Chinese (her parents were missionaries with the China Inland Mission) "Righteous." On my list: Ruth, A Potrait.
Barbara Bush
Wife of a president, mother of a president, wife of a Governor, mother of 2 U.S. Governors, literacy advocate, mom of 6.  George W was asked once what arguments with his mother were like. He replied, "You don't argue with Barbara." Love that.

A friend of a friend whose son was killed almost 3 years ago. On the anniversary of her son's death (May 14) she asks for prayers for the three whose thoughtless actions ended her child's life: Roberto (serving time in prison), Albert (serving time in prison) and Cindy.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Rocking Mommas!!

Whose on your list?

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  1. Happy Mother's Day, Lisa! I hope you are having a great day :)

  2. I adore both Ruth Bell Graham and Barbara Bush. They are women who show you can be human and be strong and be a lady while doing it! (No air's there. Just plain folk). Lillian Gilbreth makes me proud to be a Lillian! Queen Victoria was an amazing woman of history.

    Kathleen will be in my prayers as will the three who acted thoughtlessly. She has seen what no mother should ever see.

  3. Lillian- I thought of you writing about Lillian Gilbreth. She was amazing! Thank-you for the prayers for Kathleen!
    Mary ; ) Thanks, friend!!


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