Sunday, April 3, 2011

Walking in One's Giftings

My husband rocks. Just saying, in case you don't know him personally.
He did a 3 hour presentation on parenting today that drew upon his expertise in several areas: psychology, theology, languages, counsel, culture.

He is a teacher. It was a joy to listen and to learn from him today, even though I've heard all of the material before, read the hand outs and discussed the content with him as he tweaked it. Even though I was there to critique and edit. He did a great job = as always. He is a gifted teacher and a gifted communicator. I say this with complete objectivity. Seriously.

It's a rush to walk in one's calling. It's a joy to be with others when they are as well.

And I think that it must bless the Lord to watch His children walk out their gifts and callings, watch them use those gifts and callings to build the body.
 It just feels right.
It feels like worship.

I want to worship the Lord with who He has made me to be. I want to worship the Lord by releasing my husband and children from my expectations and desire for comfort and ease  and conformity to walk in their gifts and calling.

What is your calling? What are your gifts?

Shabbat Shalom.


  1. " must bless the Lord to watch His children walk out their gifts and callings, watch them use those gifts and callings to build the body."
    This was a blessing to read. I don't express this to my children often enough.

  2. Well said. A good reminder about husbands and children. Keep your thoughtful, wise words coming.

  3. Does David publish anything online?

  4. Sharon, No. I keep bugging him, as do a couple of other people. I'd like to get the talk that he gave last weekend put together in a CD/workbook format. There's that little problem of time...

    Thanks Deanna, and Sharon. I don't show enough appreciation to my own talented family enough!!


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