Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Up Do's

A European twist.

A Bumpette on a European Twist

 Cutie Patootie with an UpDo.

KB started a year long program at Stewart's School of Cosmetology a week and a 1/2 ago. Shw comes home with lots of fun stuff to share. Flower is a willing victim client.
KB's taking a 10 week hold with the college on-line school while she completes the academic portion of the cosmetology program and then going back to finish a B.A. Miss. R completed Doula training as well. Just seems like it makes sense to get pragmatic vocational training, along with academic, especially in today's economy.


  1. YES! YES! YES! It sure does. I keep thinking *I* should go to summer school for cosmetology so I can make a little money cutting some home school hair!

  2. Gorgeous!!

    I need someone to cut RockerDad and Robbie's hair for cheap. I've cut RockerDad's, but I'm not yet brave enough to attempt Robbie.

  3. Great blog! And I couldn't agree more on the vocational training and education! I too was a Doula pre-kids!! Loved it!! New Follower :)

  4. Those are great up-dos! And she is adorable ~ perfect hair model for you!

  5. I've been cutting my dh and boys hair for years! Can't wait till KB can do it : )!

  6. Very pretty. It's so much fun to have girls! :)

  7. Love it! It really does make sense in today's economy!

  8. We are considering similar options for K14. It's so nice for KB to have such a lovely model.


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