Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Day!

What to do when it's cold and snowy and you've been inside one day too long.

 Resting between sledding runs.

 10 degrees and 5-10 mph winds. KB kept commenting that she and Miss R were the only females over the age of 7 going down the hill....

 It's more fun with Daddy! (Flower almost flew off backwards going down alone).

There they go!

 Ready to roll.

 Thar's the hill. In the middle are bumps that will send you air born.

 Taking a breather.

 Cub is all about higher, faster, farther.

Official photographer.

Last run and then home for hot tea!

Jenny's having her weekly LENS photo contest over at Home Is Where You Start From. Check it out for other great weather pics.
A blessed Sabbath!


  1. We had snow too!! Not like that though and not that cold. Better you than me. I was blessed with a stomach virus, and then when I was able to eat, I promptly burned myself in the chest with my hot soup!! Not good!! Can you say no undergarments for a bit!!

  2. what a FUN snow day!!

    (visiting from the LENS challenge)

  3. stopping by as part of the LENS photo challenge.
    you must be one tough cookie to be outside in those temps!

  4. Oh what an awesome hill for sledding! Growing up in the country, I had hills like that in my back yard - now, with a family of my own and living in a suburban area we end up driving for hills like that - but so worth it!
    Looks like a great time had by all.

    Your comment about naming the photo 'maximizing opportunities' cracked me up. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Great shots! My favorite is the one with sledders scattered across the hillside. We had a snow day here today too, but ours was sunny and bright.

  6. If it's going to be that cold, at least you had snow...somehow it makes it all worthwhile. :)
    Great photos!

  7. Those are some awesome pictures! Our kids have been having a blast playing in the snow as well!

  8. what fun shots of a fun day! My fav was the photo of the hill with all the sledders scattered on it.

    so glad you joined up with the challenge!


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