Wednesday, January 12, 2011

MIB (& woman, too)

Nerf wars. Bring it on. 

 The weapon's cache.
Be afraid. Very afraid. 


  1. My son LOVES Nerf guns too!
    Happy WW!
    God Bless,

  2. Prepping for college and Humans vs Zombies? LOL Great photos!

  3. AWesome!!! I love that they are big kids and still happy to play...

    WHAT is that green container in the weapons cache photo??

  4. Hahahah!!! Your kids are awesome!

  5. The green container is an empty dishwashing detergent bottle. My 11 yo used permanent marker to create a persona "gun." It's one of his fav "weapons." = )(we aren't short of creativity here -lol)

  6. My two guys received nerf guns from santa (me) at christmas. They are hilarious. They'll be shooting up a storm all over the house, then ask me where did their darts go. *arrg* Have fun!

  7. Boys. That is whole mindset I have never understood. Driving through a sub-division with my husband, I saw a VERY dangerous looking skateboarding set-up. I told him how scary it looked and asked, "What do you do about that? They will get hurt!" He answers, "They are boys- you let them do it, and yes, they will get hurt, but that is what ERs are for."
    Love the pics.


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