Monday, December 13, 2010

Tis the Season

We cracked up during Advent last night. Flower kept messing with Feche and giggling. She has a deep belly giggle that is infectious so, of course, her private joke became a family affair with everyone laughing at her laugh. We sang a couple songs that ended with less than stellar musicality.

True Confessions: I've spent way too much time lately on TWTM boards "discussing" The Race to Nowhere, Low-expectations and A Short Talk with a Chinese Student.

Breakfast consisted of Gingerbread cookies, cereal, bagels and coffee with eggnog.

It's not supposed to be Christmas break yet as we have 2 weeks of our academic class day to go. The season, however, keeps intruding. Must. get.back.

1 comment:

  1. Great pic. of the fun.
    That low-expectations thread is sucking up too much of my time too, but I am only lurking and gleaning. lol.


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