Friday, November 5, 2010

Quick Takes

The kitchen is  organized after an agonizing couple of days of mulling over where this and that should go. Still tweaking here and there but generally things are arranged. I missed the gene that does space well. For those organization freaks out there realize that for some of us arranging space is sheer torture.

We voted on Tuesday. It's a privilage to be part of the process.

Cub's painintheheiny homework this week entailed multiplying fractions, percents and decimals. It is always so interesting to me how when a new concept is learned it crowds out previous knowledge for a while while the brain is accommodating. He was so consumed by it all that when it came time to add a simple 3 digit number he was adding extra columns in the hundreds place! Has anyone else observed that?
We had a break from Tutoring Center and it was much needed. Mainly cause I had to get the kitchen organized!

KB is back from her adrenaline junkie fix the campaign trail in GA. After another week of lit dropping, sign waving, phone banking and screaming her lungs out you'd think life here would look pretty tame. Well, we went to clean up her room and re-make her bed for her return and discovered mold under the mats (our temp flooring solution) we'd put down. The moisture just wicked up from the ground. She came home to her bed and possessions piled into the bunk bed/family room and has been sleeping on the couch, living out of her suitcase. Welcome home, Honey!

Re-build work this week consisted of hauling dirt and rock. The mongo dirt pile left behind from digging a new drain field is almost all gone as we've been building up the flower beds and dirt around the house. Rocks. We live in a gravel field. And we had a ton of walnut sized gravel delivered for the new tile field we laid in the basement but used only a fraction of it for that so the kids and I have been hauling it to the driveway, which makes a nice gravely, crunchy sound when people drive in.

We went on walks most days. The evenings have been lovely, cool and colorful. Cub and Flower ride their bikes, the cats all follow, first the Momma cat, then the kittens, then the Tom. Why don't our felines realize I'm not an animal person? They are constantly meawing at me, wanting to be picked up, following me wherever I go. Our Tom jumps into the kitchen window at night (talk about heart stopping!- seeing a 15 pound grey thing jump into the window at night while you're doing dishes gets the heart racing!). We've been hearing coyotes lately. Viking Man heard that if you hear a coyote it means there's a den within 5 miles. And we cross the river on our walks. I realized yesterday that walking along the river at dusk probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. Feche and I think we might have seen a wolf in southern MN a couple of weeks ago. If not, it was the biggest coyote I've ever seen!

Gotta get to the library. I need a good book or two to read. And a good movie to watch? Any recommendations?

How was your week?
As always, Jen at Conversion Diaries hosts 7 Quick Takes


  1. Three movies I've really enjoyed lately (none are new)are Blindsided, The Secret of Kells (animated) and Fantastic Mr. Fox (also animated).
    A book I just read that I really enjoyed was Jim Wight's memoirs of his father entitled (aptly enough!), The Real James Herriot; a Memoir of my Father.

    Keep on trucking with that building thing you're doing. So sorry about the mold.

  2. As for books, here's my post with my latest discoveries (good & not-so-good):

  3. Good book to read? What is the style you are looking for? I love most things by Elizabeth Berg for fiction; Richard Stearns The Hole in Our Gospel is amazing, and heart-wrenching at times (same goes for Half the Sky), and The Helps was also an amazing and entertaining read. Enjoy! (And loved the "quick update" format!)

  4. Hey, if the kitchen is now organized then it was a good week.
    Glad you daughter is back. What a neat experience she must have had!
    My daughters were glad Echols won. (they did TeenPact this year)

  5. Great book & movie suggestions! I'm checking them out today!
    KB was so glad Echols won. I think he'll do a great job for the state of GA = )Did your girls like TP? Are they doing alum events?

  6. I hope KB enjoyed her time down here! :)

  7. Sounds like an eventful week. I totally get #3. This happens all the time with my kids and math. :-\

    We've had problems with moisture wicking up through our floors. Our house is on a concrete slab. We had to have some kind of sealant put down (I have no clue, really. That's hubby's dept).

  8. Mmm, I hear you on needing to get to the library. When I can't think of anything else to read new, I always go for Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility!

  9. Sorry about the moldy bed! Ugh.

    No book suggestions here.

  10. I'm glad your kitchen organizing is done. That should motivate me to do my kitchen - but it probably won't!

  11. I think that re-organizing a space is tough even for those who enjoy doing such work. I reorganized our kitchen last year and it took me forever and was hard. Congrats on getting that finished this week.


  12. I like the Quick Takes style! Bah on the mold!
    I've been watching Ken Burns' Civil War -- heart-breaking, but I'm learning a lot. On the lighter side, I recommend the book The Happiness Project! :)
    PS Your cats trailing along as a family sounds so sweet (to this animal lover!).

  13. Our cats follow us as well. So cute. Anyone want some kittens? Faith, thanks for the James Herriot suggestion. We have absolutely loved listening to all of his books.Lisa, have you rad Alexander McCall Smith? Try The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency. The library has them in audio as well, begin with the first book.

  14. Lisa, we also watched the new Karate Kid the other day and enjoyed it. Netflix is awesome.

  15. Awesome book & movie suggestions- THANK-YOU!! Ana, I was just thinking yesterday that we need to get more books on tape since we are driving to and fro twice a week = ). I'll start with the #1 Ladies Detecitve Agency!

  16. whew! I am exhausted just reading about it. Oh, an dI won't be going on any sunset walks at your place!

  17. I have no books for you as I'm rereading Moby Dick. No movies either - 'cause I'm rereading Moby Dick :)

    Its good you found the moisture seeping up before you put the permanent flooring in.

    My dd does the same with math - I like math programs with mixed review everyday just for that reason.

    We've been taking midday walks to enjoy the sunshine. I miss my evening walks - I need to rearrange dinner so we can watch our sunsets too.

    Your kitchen is organized and you've been doing walks. Terrific.


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