Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home Again, Home Again...

...after 10 days gone, traveling through 6 states and over hundreds and hundreds of miles, seeing friends and family along the way as we went to mourn Dad's death. The house was lit with Christmas lights on our return home late last night, courtesy of my husband. A warm and loving welcome after an exhausting trip.


  1. It was wonderful seeing you Lisa, even though it was much too brief. So glad you're all home safe and sound.

  2. What a lovely welcome home.
    Welcome back to your cyber home also.
    Peace and prayers to you as you are back with your family and healing.

  3. Deanna- thanks! It's good to be home = )! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
    Shari- I wish we could have spent a week-end together! It was so very, very good to see you. I love you, Friend!!


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