Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taxonomy of a Toy

Kingdom: A Child's Plaything

Phylum: Plastic

Class: Building

Order: Lego

Family: Bionicle

Genus: Warrior

Species: Toa Ignica
(This from Cub's Science for the week)


  1. Excellent taxonomy...I'll have to use that! We love Bionicles around here, too.

    I left you something special on my blog today :) http://lifeofthegilbertgang.blogspot.com/2010/09/one-lovely-blog-award.html

  2. I actually found a whole series of pictures on my camera one day where my 10 yo ds had recorded a bionicle "war!"

  3. LOL! Too funny! Oh yeah, we've got the bionicles as well...only I tell my son not to leave those in my bedroom at night...they are scary to wake up to. :)

    Dee :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. You really mustn't make me laugh that hard whilst I'm in the library... ;-)


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