Friday, October 23, 2009

House Afire!

Yesterday morning at 6:20 a.m. we called 9-1-1. Our house was on fire! There is a lot of smoke damage, windows ripped up, walls trashed but the house still stands, we are all alive, safe and unharmed. Our praises are too many to list right now but our church family has truly been family in the past many hours, we are overwhelmed with gratitude with the food, prayers, gifts, clothes etc that have been pouring in.

I'll post pictures and share more later. We'd appreciate your prayers as we re-group and make many decisions.


  1. I am so very thankful that you are all well!! I'll pray for you.

  2. So glad your family is well, you are in my thoughts

  3. Oh my gosh!!! Wish we were there with a big old house you could move in to.


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