Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today we celebrated Father's Day at our house by making homemade waffles on a waffle iron primarily purchased by kids who love their Pa (Flower's latest name for Viking Man), and topped with homemade strawberry syrup made with berries picked by kids who are grateful to the man who has played with them, wrestled with them, talked with them about mundane as well as profoundly important things, sacrificed professionally and monetarily for them, lived a life that has been uncompromisingly faithful, prayed with them, snuggled with them, given them shoulder rides, taken them on adventures and believed in the ones they took without him, demanded from them effort and compassion and maturity. Talked with them about astronomy, science, news, politics, human nature, theology and what God's purpose is for them.

I think about the Father's that I've been most impacted by: my own Dad, my father in law and my husband. They are all well educated, strong and creative. They are all able to articulate difficult things well and with clarity. I am blessed beyond measure to know each one of them.

I look at my sons and know that they will be awesome Dads. They are both witty and growing in wisdom, full of questions and many times answers as well. They are both bibliophiles, eager to gain knowledge and understanding. They love babies and little kids and both have a playful spirit that I hope time doesn't wear away.

I look at my daughters and pray that God brings good and faithful men into their lives that will love them and their children well and will be Dad's that bring honor and respect to their families.

I am overwhelmed that the Father of us all; the One, True Living God has allowed us to call him Father. Papa, Pa, Daddy. He has called us by name, we are His if we choose to be. And he loves His little children well.

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