Monday, January 26, 2009

Your Divine Assignment

A couple of years ago I read through and slowly digested a book called, "Discovering Your Divine Assignment: A Step-by-Step Plan for Living out your Purpose and Plan" by Robin Chaddock. It is a great little book because it helps clarify, focus and direct our time and energy. I also love "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," by Stephen Covey.

Another read, worthy of your time! I want to be a higly effective person. Time grows short and the older I get the faster it flees. I want to steward my time well and fill it up with things and people that matter.

I truly believe that God creates each person with a purpose. Nick Vujicic tells his story. Puts things in perspective for those of us who feel that we aren't talented or equipped enough.

What is your assignment? Are you effective? Are you living what you are called to do?

1 comment:

  1. My son is reading the Teen version with the workbook and he loves it. I'm planning to get the adult version soon. Thanks for the post.


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