Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WW: Snow Art Calvin style

This started as a lovely snowman, created by dd's 1 & 3, complete with carrot nose and stick arms. The deer, however, cheeky fellows and felines that they are, ate the nose right off that night, a common occurance where we live. Dd 2 went out to "fix" the noseless creature next day. This is the result. Can you tell the influence of a certain comic in our home? We love you, Bill Watterson!


  1. I introduced my dd to Calvin and Hobbes at Christmas. She loves the snowmen strips.

    Your snowman reminded me of Calvin's snow art.

  2. Hilarious! Looks like a snow Gollum.

  3. I agree with Meliss...Gollum is what I thought right away. :-) Wonderful!!!

    Patricia in WA
    Happy WW and Happy New Year!

  4. Awesome! We used to make Calvin snowmen when we lived in Alaska, but I never took any pictures. :(

  5. Very detailed in comparison to what we see around here. And I can understand the deer problem, we have them too.


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