Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WW: Playmobile Rocks.

Photos by the talented Miss Elizabeth (KB)
Can you guess which historical event is being re-inacted here?


  1. Looks like a yummy first Thanksgiving feast to me! I love to play with Playmobil - all those timy pieces!

  2. We love playmobil too! We never thought of historical re-inactments for it though. Then again, perhpas it is because we have the campervan!

  3. Absolutely fantastic-love it!
    What a great way to depict the First Thanksgiving.

  4. First Thanksgiving! They didn't leave out any details did they?

  5. I love it! Great pictures. And your menu looks good, too!

  6. Ah! Those thankful pilgrims!!

    My boys are all grown but I have boxes and boxes of Playmobil in the garage that are being saved for their kids someday. They were huge fans and everything is in great order and perfect condition. They took such care of their Playmobil. I think it is great stuff.

  7. Love it!! I like the newer one though - with Babe as the tables centerpiece instead of the goose ;) But then pork sure does taste better!!

  8. I am beginning to love Playmobil! A neighbor gave us her old set, and I cannot believe how much all 5 kids in my house play with it. The older 2 are doing stop animation with our castle set, I need to get an historical set like you have.

    very cool!

    Happy WW!


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