Friday, February 25, 2011

The World is Not So Big After All

I am thrilled to announce that I'll be writing a regular column over at the Homeschool Village each Saturday, titled, "How to...." I have tons of ideas but if you have any "how tos" you'd like addressed, lmk. HSV is a fast growing homeschool community that has great link-ups, regular columns and other fun ways to connect. Come join the partee!
And while I'm networking, you can follow me on Twitter @laughinglioness. I'll get the blog feed up at some point soon.
This Momma homeschools. Really. Regularly. And I'm still really liking Writing Tales. While I love IEW's sequence of teaching I do appreciate the grammar lessons included in Writing Tales. I'm a recovering grammar-phobe so Cub and I are learning a lot!
Got back into listening to IEW's Language Acquisition Through Poetry Memorization. Pudewa is delightful to listen to and Cub and Flower never tire of the CD's. They try to match his diction. Love it!
The Singapore Math workbooks continue to be terrific. I accidentally gave Flower (gr2) one of Cub's (gr5) worksheets. I thought to myself, "Wow, this really is advanced math!"

Blizzard on Sunday. Again. Ice and more ice. And more cold. On Tuesday, 2 days later, our van side doors were still iced shut. In retaliation I am ordering seeds and berry bushes. And planning the garden and dreaming of long days outdoors. Very long days. In the sun. And warmth and dirt and heat. Yes. Can.not.wait.

Flower is taking the techniques learned in Friday co-op classes and giving herself art assignments each week. Her coloring is fantabulous. I would post a picture but above mentioned arteest daughter was transporting my camera outside to capture the ice-glazed winter wonderland post-blizzard and dropped it, lens open, on the cement porch. I have re-purposed  dead as a doorknob camera as a paperweight.

There are a couple of foods I've hit my life-time quota on. Ramen noodles and chicken top the list. Hot Curried Chicken over rice created by KB was a delightful way to reconsider the chicken at least. Honey, curry and Dijon mustard. Ohlala.
First Egypt. Now Libya. Kadafi is claiming Jewish lineage, meaning Israel, by law, will be forced to allow him asylum. 
Somalia pirates murder Americans. Scott Adam was a Fuller grad and professor. The world is not so big after all.
And don't forget Christchurch, NZ in your prayers.

Talked with my sister  in D.C. along with a good friend from Fuller as well as reconnecting with friends from CA, NM and SD via FB. So good to be in touch with folks and talk history and kids and big life changes like empty nests and launching adult children and the loss of parents and the state of the world.
And co-op, which my kids l.o.v.e, full up of music and art and learning and gentle, Godly teachers. My life is richer from the moments shared talking doctrine and theology and politics and homemade sauerkraut and listening in on unit study lessons and learning more myself.
Friends. Thank-you God for the gift of friends.

More quick takes over at Conversion Diaries 


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